Listening. Curious. Energy. Work In Progress.
Harvard-trained, triple board-certified physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Public Health and General Preventive Medicine, and Aerospace Medicine. Medical expert work with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Navy, and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM).
As a Co-Founder of Sequoia Port, Inc., he identified the need to provide a simplified experience for reviewing medical records that are inundated with duplicate data, repetitive, blank, and irrelevant pages. He guided product development from concept to launch. He leveraged years of building strong relationships with industry leaders and key stakeholders to forge partnerships focused on helping improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs.
With five other fathers that co-Founded IDefine, they identified the need to create a non-profit organization in the ultra-rare disease space that focuses on the discovery of treatments for the genetic causes of autism and intellectual disability, modeling Kleefstra Syndrome.
His involvement in the coronavirus (COVID-19) response includes instructing medical, health, and safety professionals, creating policies and procedures, directing preventive medicine and public health, mitigating transmission-risk, managing safe return to work, supervising, cluster outbreak response, contract tracing, and providing primary care and acute care.
Expert in injuries and illness, including chemical exposures and sensitivities, heat injuries, environmental intolerances, asbestos, dust, mold, air quality, heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, etc), radiation, toxicology, formaldehyde, methyl ethyl ketone, environmental, air pollution, particulate matter, causation, fitness for duty, return to work, malingering, work stress, personal injury, disability, chronic pain, telemedicine, primary care, urgent care, Health Workers, Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Dr. Harrell is in a committed relationship with his family of four, including two cutie-patootie-captivating-and-insightful-provoking offspring. :)
Your employees and customers need to know that they are safe.
Supporting the development of the broader strategy and building a strong partner network. Utilizing an established network of contacts from across the health sector. Helping identify opportunities for partnerships to drive strategic investments that complement product/service priorities and drive impact. Help construct advisory panels of outside stakeholders to guide the approach around Health problems and product/services development.
Health Informatics, software development, clinical systems deployment, and clinical research. Collaborative ecosystems increasing the quality and efficiency of data sharing and decision making. Strong relationships with industry leaders and key stakeholders leveraged to create software solutions to improve health outcomes and decrease healthcare costs.
As a Harvard-trained physician in Public Health, Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine, and Environmental Medicine coupled with my work experience at the WHO, MIT, and U.S. NAVY, I have expertise in understanding and interpreting the latest research and evidence-based recommendations in order to develop state-of-the-art strategies to maximize the likelihood of a safe work environment during the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.
Managing all health and wellness aspects of COVID-19 response is accomplished with tailoring to the needs of your organization while emphasizing financially sustainable solutions to the ever-increasing demands on your businesses' COVID-19 response, with a focus on the latest medical guidelines and recommendations, while maintaining sensitivity to public relations, costs, feasibility, and compliance with local and regional requirements. Success also demands sensitive-communication that incorporates the legal, economic, and public relations implications on company policy and procedures.
This work requires partnership with organizational leadership to effectively assess and communicate areas of concern and then direct the implementation of COVID-19 transmission mitigation, determine appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and disinfection practices, and develop COVID-19 testing protocol, as well as work directly with employees to determine how to quarantine appropriately when to seek medical attention and safe return to work. Success is achieved by quickly implementing cutting edge safety measures and adapting to the ever-evolving scientific evidence.
In the litigation process, the medical expert is not just the expert witness, but a crucial member of the team as a medical investigator. Reports and testimony are always founded on a thorough review of the facts and substantiating peer-reviewed authoritative medical literature, practice guidelines, and standards.
Expert in injuries and illness, including chemical exposures and sensitivities, heat injuries, environmental intolerances, asbestos, dust, mold, air quality, heavy metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, nickel, etc), radiation, toxicology, formaldehyde, methyl ethly ketone, environmental, air pollution, particulate matter, causation, fitness for duty, return to work, malingering, work stress, personal injury, disability, chronic pain, telemedicine, primary care, urgent care, Health Workers, and Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Education & Medical Training
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency, 2013-2015
Environmental Health Research Fellow, 2014-2015
Master of Public Health, (MPH) 2014
Flight Surgeon, Winged May 25th, 2010
Medical Internship
Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish (BA)
Licensure and Board Certification
Board Certified in Occupational Medicine, American Board of Preventive Medicine
Board Certified in Public Health and General Preventive Medicine, American Board of Preventive Medicine
Board Certified in Aerospace Medicine, American Board of Preventive Medicine
Medical Licenses​: California & Nebraska
Professional Experience

Chief Medical Officer, WORKCARE, INC., Anaheim, CA
Co-founder, Chief Medical Officer, SEQUOIA, INC.; Orange County, CA
Medical Director, SATELLITE HEALTHCARE; San Jose, CA
Medical Director, WELLNESS SOLUTIONS, INC; Encinitas, CA
NATO Medical Liaison, Medical Director, Medical Division Officer, U.S. Marine Corps Group Surgeon, Medical Department Head, Flight Surgeon; U.S. NAVY, San Diego, CA
Trustee, Chair, Delegate, Course Director, and Author; AMERICAN COLLEGE OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE; Elk Grove, IL
Co-investigator, FDA approved Clinical Trial, MeRT-TBI-005; UNIFORMED SERVICES UNIVERSITY OF THE HEALTH SCIENCES; San Diego, CA
Resident, Harvard Occupational & Environmental Medicine; HARVARD SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH; Boston, MA
Harrell M, Selvaraj S, Edgar M. DANGER! Crisis Health Workers at Risk. The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. July 2020.
Wizner K, Harrell M, Berenjii M, Gaspar F, Christain J. (2020) Physicians who treat people that work are practicing occupational medicine. J Family Practice. (Accepted April 2020).
Harrell M. Stress Management, Psychological Factors and Workforce Health: Chapter 7, Section 1: The Basic Occupational Health Guide, A Publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Private Practice Section. 2018.
Harrell M. Workplace Violence and Occupational Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Psychological Factors and Workforce Health: Chapter 7, Section 2: The Basic Occupational Health Guide, A Publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Private Practice Section. 2018.
Harrell M. Benefits of Work, Psychological Factors and Workforce Health: Chapter 7, Section 3: The Basic Occupational Health Guide, A Publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Private Practice Section. 2018.
Harrell M. Delayed Recovery from Injury or Illness, Psychological Factors and Workforce Health: Chapter 7, Section 4: The Basic Occupational Health Guide, A Publication of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Private Practice Section. 2018.
Harrell M. Contributor to ACOEM Workplace Mental Health Guidelines: Posttraumatic stress disorder and acute stress disorder. American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Effective December 18, 2018.
Saranya A Selvaraj, Karen E Lee, Harrell M., Ivan Ivanov, Benedetta Allegranzi; Infection Rates and Risk Factors for Infection Among Health Workers During Ebola and Marburg Virus Outbreaks: A Systematic Review, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, jiy435. September 7, 2018.
Bensen S, Harrell,M, Pransky G. Lag Times in Reporting Injuries, Receiving Medical Care, and Missing Work: Associations With the Length of Work Disability in Occupational Back Injuries. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Volume 58, Number 1, January 2016. Pages 53 – 60. Jan 2016.
World Health Organization. Health worker Ebola infections in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone - a preliminary report. Geneva: WHO; 2015.
Lectures & Presentations
"EHR's, I&O Coding, and COVID-19. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Workplace Risks – Incorporating Occupational Data into Infectious Disease Case Reports and EHRs: Recent Progress and Opportunities”
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine COVID-19 Webinar Series. August 5, 2020
"COVID-19: DANGER! Crisis Health Workers at Risk”
The 2020 U.S. Army Public Health Course. August 5, 2020
"COVID-19: Best Practices – Telemedicine”
American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine COVID-19 Webinar Series. April 7, 2020
“COVID-19; Health Workers at Risk: Working During Crises; Historical Lessons Learned.”
28th Annual Joint Safety and Environmental Professional Development Symposium (PDS); Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center. April 9th, 2020
“COVID-19; Workplace Stress, Violence & Occupational PTSD”
28th Annual Joint Safety and Environmental Professional Development Symposium (PDS); Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center. April 6th, 2020
“COVID-19; Benefits of Work and Delayed Recovery”
28th Annual Joint Safety and Environmental Professional Development Symposium (PDS); Naval Safety and Environmental Training Center. April 6th, 2020
“Health Workers Hazards During Crises: The Importance Of Advocating For Health Workers.”
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. November 18, 2019.
“DANGER! Health Workers at Risk. Working with Refugees, Immigrants, Migrants, Displaced Persons, and Persons in Areas of Conflict.”
Keynote Speaker at the International Commission on Occupational Health’s (ICOH) 11th International Joint Conference on Occupational Health for Health Workers (OHHW). Hamburg, Germany, October 22, 2019.
“Providing Healthcare to Displaced Persons and Displaced Health Workers.” Panel Discussion Member.
International Commission on Occupational Health’s (ICOH) 11th International Joint Conference on Occupational Health for Health Workers (OHHW). Hamburg, Germany, October 22, 2019.
“Common Occupational Musculoskeletal Injuries and Low Back Pain”
U.S. Navy Occupational and Environmental Fundamentals Course. September 10, 2019.
“Work Hazards and Ergonomics 101 For the Health Care Provider”
U.S. Navy Occupational and Environmental Fundamentals Course. September 10, 2019.
“Mental Health in the Work Place; The Bio-psycho-social-economic Model.”
U.S. Navy Occupational and Environmental Fundamentals Course. September 10, 2019.
“Work Disability, Managing Difficult Cases: Stress in the Workplace, Workplace Violence & Occupational PTSD, and The Occupational Biopsychosicaleconomic Model.”
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. September 9, 2019.
“What is Occupational Medicine.”
U.S. Navy Occupational and Environmental Fundamentals Course. September 9, 2019.

“I witnessed Dr. Harrell’s enormous determination, discipline, organization and time management to fulfill his tasks in very short deadlines and up to the highest standards. He also demonstrated good interpersonal skills in a challenging multicultural environment...”
Dr. Ivan Ivanov,
Occupational Health,
World Health Organization (WHO), 2014
“[Dr. Harrell] immediately impressed me as a consummate medical and military professional...He consistently demonstrated the ability to synthesize and integrate ideas from multiple disciplines and to present those thoughts in ways that built common ground among participants representing diverse and sometimes contentious organizations. A skilled discussion leader, he proved invaluable in creatively developing the means of bringing differing positions into alignment.”
Brigadier General Keith Holcomb (Ret),
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 2015